Love your clothes

What’s in your wardrobe?

Did you know that the average UK household owns around £4,000 worth of clothes and about 30% of it hasn’t been worn in the last year? And that we bin 350,000 tonnes of used clothing every year – that’s equivalent to the weight of more than 29,000 London buses!

That’s why we’re supporting a new campaign to encourage the UK ‘Love Your Clothes’ Visit for loads of practical tips and advice on how to unlock the value of your wardrobe. That’s everything from restyling and repairing existing clothes to what to do with items you no-longer need.

Got a brilliant tip on making clothes last longer? Love Your Clothes is the place to share it!

Love Your Clothes is an initiative that has been developed through the Sustainable Clothing Action Plan (SCAP) which has been developed by WRAP and its partners including the Textile Recycling Association.

The Textile Recycling Association is a proud supporter of the SCAP 2020 commitment which aims to reduce the carbon, water and waste impacts of the UK clothing industry.

Further information about SCAP (including the SCAP 2020 commitment).