Discover the truth about the used clothing industry

A variety of associations involved in the used clothing trade around the world have joined forces to dispel myths about the industry. The truth is that the used clothing industry is gaining momentum with tremendous environmental, social, and economic benefits. The industry is working towards a circular economy by offering sustainable solutions for used textiles that will benefit everyone and help to reduce the major environmental impacts caused by the global fashion industry.

2nd hand dresses on sale in African market
Quality used clothing on sale which has gone through what Kenyan market report describes as the perfection of grading the clothes into very precise and detailed categories by suppliers before the goods are exported.

Press statement issued by the Textile Recycling Association, the Bureau of International Recycling, the European Recycling Industries Confederation and US trade association SMART.

Report on: The State of Second-Hand Clothes and Footwear in Kenya – published by the Institute of Economic Affairs please.